Being a working student at NOSTA brings many benefits

Flexible working hours

You decide for yourself when and where you work. As a rule, a maximum of 20 hours is allowed. /week. This limit may be exceeded for up to 26 weeks a year, e. g. if you want to work more during the semester break.

Combining theory and practice

With us, you have the opportunity to apply your knowledge from your studies in everyday professional life. Whether project work, research or support in day-to-day business – we give you insights into many different topics and you take responsibility.

Mobile work

Integrate not only your working hours ideally into your timetable, but also your place of work. Whether at home or from the university library – you can design your workplace according to your needs.

Ihr Wohl liegt uns am Herzen

Neben einem branchenüblichen Stundenlohn bieten wir attraktive Mitarbeitendenangebote und -benefits sowie ein betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, unter anderem mit abwechslungsreichen Fitnessangeboten.

Let´s go!

We offer you the opportunity in almost all areas of the company to contribute your theoretical knowledge from university to our company and to gain your first practical experience.

Become a part of the NOSTA family at an early age and maybe lay the foundation for a future career with us.

Questions? We have the answers:

What are working students?

Students who, in addition to their full-time studies, are employed more than marginally by an employer may, under certain conditions, be employed as working students.

How many hours are working students allowed to work per week?

Working students may not exceed 20 hours in total. /Work week. The level of remuneration and the number of employers are irrelevant. More than 20 hours per week may be worked, provided that this does not exceed the limit of 26 weeks.

What taxes must student workers give up?

Employment is not subject to contributions for sickness, nursing care and unemployment insurance. Only contributions for pension and student health insurance are payable by the working student. With earnings of up to 450 EUR, the family insurance status remains, otherwise the students have to insure themselves.

Note: You can get more information from your health insurance companies!

Interest aroused?

Then apply for a working student position in our company.


click here to apply!