We learn from and with each other.

With varied educational programmes, we promote the skills of everyone individually. Our goal: not only the professional development of each individual, but also the promotion of our sense of community.


Competence creates new perspectives

NOSTA Academy

The professional and personal development of our employees is very important to us. Our own NOSTA Academy deals specifically with the subject of continuing education through internal and external seminars and trainings.

NOSTA Innovation Lab

The joint development of new ideas and strategies is essential for the success of our company. To make this possible in a cooperative and interdisciplinary way, we have created the Innovation Lab at our location in Melle. Creative and future-oriented concepts can be developed here on a total of 75 m2.


Sie interessieren sich an einer Ausbildung in einem dynamischen  Familienunternehmen? Dann informieren Sie sich jetzt über unsere zahlreichen Ausbildungsberufe. Viele spannende Herausforderungen und Projekte warten auf Sie.