Virtual childcare services

LADBERGEN The Corona pandemic has shown how quickly life can get confused as public institutions such as kindergartens or schools restrict childcare. Since then, the issue of childcare has also been given a much higher priority for us as a company. As an owner-managed family business, we want to help our employees with their childcare challenges and promote the best possible reconciliation of work and family life.

Virtual support

Since December 2020, we have been offering pur empolyees the opportunity to book online as well as offline workshops and events for their children and grandchildren trough our partner voiio. In this way, we want to ensure that good childcare is guaranteed even in times of home office & co.

Family-friendly employer

As early as October 2019, the city and district of Osnabrück awardes us the "Family Friendly Employer Region Osnabrück". With the implementation of virtual childcare services, we are thus setting another milestone in our family-friendly personnel policy. 

Wouldy you like to learn more about the benefits we offer our employees? Then please visit the following link:

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