NOSTA Core Values

More than words

For our teams, working at NOSTA is more than just a job. We tackle the diverse challenges of the logistics world with great energy, driven by strong team spirit and our shared passion for logistics. We have now translated this feeling into a set of concrete Core Values.

Nicolas Gallenkamp, CEO of the NOSTA Group, was significantly involved in the definition: "Our Core Values have somehow always been present. But now we have brought them to the point - just like our logistics services." The result is a total of five central guiding principles that describe our daily interaction with each other, our work with customers and our approach to innovations and challenges.

Also important: each guiding principle has been given a distinctive slogan, which often becomes our motto during our work. These slogans are important because they reinforce the message and, above all, make it more concrete. And here are our Core Values:


This core value stands for the fact that we are keen to work together at NOSTA and that we are all going full steam ahead together. This is how we sum up the positive and optimistic atmosphere at our company.


Everyone is needed in the complex daily logistics routine at NOSTA: To ensure that our customers' goods arrive safely and on time at their destination, everyone has to be on board. This means, of course, that we all seize the initiative and take on responsibility together.


We support each other and work hand in hand on the road to success - because with us, nobody leaves anyone behind. That's why we employ people who like to tackle things and at the same time don't forget that they are part of a global team of more than 800 employees.


Where yesterday we were still discussing the use of artificial intelligence, today it is already common for us to work with it. That's simply part of who we are at NOSTA: Thinking ahead, being ready to innovate and keeping an eye on the future is part of our corporate DNA. Because our future-oriented employees and logistics solutions allow us to be successful together.


At NOSTA, change is an opportunity. This is the only way we can all learn and develop ourselves and the company as a whole. Change has always been part of NOSTA since 1978 and contributes to our success.

You can find out more about our core values here:

Our Core Values